Rick is a sup owning Rick's Café at the harbour of Otringal. He is also the head of the underworld in Otringal. He is almost impossible to be granted an audience with. Rick is considerably larger than any other sup met.

When searching for a way to access Island CX, Twinsen talks with a franco on the Island of the Celebration, the Island CX Survivor, who tells him that the only ones who might be able to help him are Rick and his gang. Twinsen then goes to Rick's Café, where he finds out that Rick's office is well guarded by heavily sized wannies. Twinsen has two ways to enter Rick's office: either by killing his body guards until one of them leaves behind the key to the office, or by going through the backstage of the café and through a ventilation shaft.

In his office, Twinsen tells Rick about Twinsun being endangerd by the plans of the Emperor. Rick reveals that he is unable to help Twinsen, and sends him to talk with Johnny Rocket at the Imperial Hotel, who is the head of the rebelling dissidents.

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