Johnny Rocket is a Sup living on Otringal. He is one of the Esmers that come to Twinsun from Zeelich, and the first one to set foot on Twinsun. Although he helps the Emperor and FunFrock this way, he is completely against their acts and ideas, and therefore helps the dissidents rebelling against them.

Johnny lives in the Imperial Hotel, at the upper city of Otringal. He also seems to be the only Esmer who can speak the Twinsunian language, possibly with the aid of a translator.

When the Esmers land on Citadel Island, Johhny gives a speach about how they come in peace. He later goes back to Zeelich, although this is not witnessed.

When Twinsen searches for information about Island CX on his adventure on Zeelich, he meets Rick, who sends him to meet Johnny Rocket at the Imperial Hotel. When Twinsen meets him there, he absent-mindedly mentions the dissidents out loud. Johnny yells at him, and asks him to come to his room where they can talk without danger. In his room, Johnny tells Twinsen that he is unable to help him, and sends him to talk with the dissidents in the Twinsunian Souvenir Shop. He also gives Twinsen the Ring of the Dissidents, which is their identification sign.

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