The Ring of the Dissidents is a ring used as an identification sign of the Zeelichian dissidents, the small group opossing the Emperor and Dark Monk. This ring is a proof that the owner is to be trusted by them.

In the conversation with Johnny Rocket in the Imperial Hotel, Twinsen receives from him the Dissidents Ring, which Johnny instructs him to show to the seller at the Twinsunian Souvenir Shop. After Twinsen shows him the ring, the seller opens a secret door in his shop, which leads down to the basement. There, Twinsen meets the dissidents, who instruct him about finding Island CX.

Later, in the Island of the Mosquibees, Astrid asks Twinsen for a proof of his good intentions. Twinsen does so by showing her the ring.

If Twinsen shows the ring to the clerk of the Twinsunian Souvenir Shop after returning from Island CX, the Clerk turns out to be an imposter, and shouts for the guards.

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