Raph is a rabbibunny working as the lighthouse keeper on Citadel Island.
Raph plays a guitar in a band together with his friends, Pat and Fab. They all hang out together at Chez Luc often. Raph is the brother of the pharmacist, and the fiancé of a rabbibunny.
When Twinsen searches for a way to stop the storm, he learns from the weather wizard that he can stop the storm from the top of the lighthouse, which he cannot enter since Raph, the lighthouse keeper, is missing. Twinsen can then go and ask everyone on the island whether they have seen him, and most people hint him that Raph likes to play his guitar on the cliffs of Citadel Island.
Twinsen eventually reaches the Tralü's cave, where he finds Raph imprisoned by the Tralü. Raph, afraid that the Tralü is planning to eat him, begs Twinsen to free him. After defeating the Tralü, Twinsen reaches Raph's cell, and opens it to free him.
Together with Zoé, Twinsen then goes to the lighthouse, which Raph now opens, and they witness together how Bersimon stops the storm. After the storm is over, Raph can be seen on top of the lighthouse with his fiancée.
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