Bersimon, often referred to as The Weather Wizard is a weather wizard who lives in a tent on the cliffs of Citadel Island. He is a fully qualified wizard, who graduated from the School of Magic.

The Weather Wizard spends most of his time, frantic about the missing lighthouse keeper and his boiling cauldron. He informs Twinsen that he cannot stop the storm until he gains access to the lighthouse but the lighthouse keeper is nowhere to be found.

A poster on his wall says Bersimon has reached the rank of Grand Master of sea winds and tornadoes. The Weather Wizard is thereby the only one capable of dispursing the storm that prevents Twinsen from going to Desert Island. However, he has to stand at a high point in order to utter a conjuration, and the lighthouse is the only available place at the island. After Twinsen frees Raph, the lighthouse keeper, Bersimon will be able to stop the storm. Then, finally capable of landing, the Esmers will land on the planet.

Bersimon also once hid Sendell's Ball in a cage of ice in the sewers. He already made a potion, which only needs a Pearl of Incandescence to become ready for use, for freeing the ball.

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