The Garden Balsam flower is a rare flower that grows in the White Leaf Desert, especially in rocky areas. The School of Magic uses those flowers for their tests, in which the students of the school must fetch the rector such a flower.

As part of his studies in the School of Magic, Twinsen has to bring the rector of the school a Graden Balsam Flower. After the rector instructs Twinsen about this test, the location of such a flower is revealed to him on the holomap- on top of a rocky mountain in the desert. To reach the mountain's top, Twinsen needs his car, which he can use after Zoé fixes it. Twinsen is able to complete the test by climbing with the car on a nearby mountain, and then jumping to the mountain across, where the flower is.

In return for the garden balsam, the rector gives Twinsen the Horn of the Blue Triton, which enables him to heal others, as well as himself. With this horn, Twinsen can finally heal Dino-Fly, and thus complete the third and last test for the School of Magic- the Dome of the Slate test.

Dispensing a life candy from the Horn of the Blue Triton on the place where the flower grew results in another flower growing there. The rector of the school then pops up, and, congratulating Twinsen for the idea, awards him with a couple of clover leaves.

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